Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to draw faces, also called Portaiture

Click to see larger images.

In the drawing below, you can see the proportions from the class worksheet being used in a self-portrait. You can use your fingers to trace out the proportions and guidelines for yourself.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Discover Drawing I


There will not be class on April 20, 2010 because of Spring Break. The make-up class will be held on May 31 (added on the week after to what would have been the last class).


-11x14 sketch pad,

-medium hard pencil (HB)

-soft pencil (6B)

-white drawing eraser


-very soft pencil (9B)

-gum eraser

Blog supplement to the class:

There will be a review of the concepts and information covered in class at, for parents and children to enjoy.